Our Organization Objectives
Employer Alliance Network

Employer Collaboration Platform
Connects employers to regulate employee relations

Member Interest Advocacy
Protects and advances members’ collective interests.

Strategic Activity Planning
Organizes lawful activities for optimal outcomes.
The Objectives Of Our Organization Are The Following
1.1. To enable employers to associate with one another for the purpose of regulating relations between themselves and their employees or the trade unions to which those employees belong.
1.2. To promote, encourage and protect the interests of its members, and to deal with each and all such matters as may affect the common interests of its members.
1.3. To plan and organise its administration and lawful activities.
1.4. To provide legal assistance and/or to represent its members at the CCMA and Bargaining Councils or any industry related statutory body; and at the dispute resolution forums of such Councils and the CCMA.
1.5. To promote, encourage, support or oppose any proposed legislative or other measures or extensions of bargaining council collective agreements affecting the interests of the Organisation or its members.
1.6. To collect, collate, tabulate and disseminate any information likely to be of use to its members.
1.7. To assist inthe regulation by the prescribed authorities of rates of payment, conditions of employment and other measures affecting members and employees of members.
1.8. To encourage, promote, aid and effect the settlement of disputes between members and their employees and/or trade unions by enquiry or conciliation or arbitration.
1.9. To affiliate with and participate in the affairs of any association, organisation, any international employers’ organisation or the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
1.10. To create permanent or ad hoc committees and/or sub-committees as and when necessary.